“Aeronautics is neither an industry nor a science, it is a miracle” -Igor Sikorsky
Our Purpose:
MACH’s purpose is to inspire engineering students to pursue hands on engineering experiences in the field of Aerospace Engineering to supplement their course studies. We priorities learning through doing and developing our members into capable engineers that are ready to be successful transitioning into industry after graduation. Experience is not a requirement for our organization as we start from scratch with our designs each year and train our members in all they need to know to contribute. We foster an inclusive community of engineers with the purpose of having a fun environment to test their knowledge and connect with other like minded individuals. We are committed to everyone having a productive and enjoyable experience with us.

Opportunities We Provide:
Along with a community of engineers all striving to create a flight capable aircraft for competition, we provide our members with the following opportunities:
Hands on engineering experience to bolster your resume
Release of any designs you work on for inclusion in portfolios for employers
Training in industry standard software like NX, Teamcenter, FEA packages, and CFD packages
Hands on training in carbon fiber layup, CNC routing, laser cutting, and hot wire foam cutting
Access to Wilson Center training for the Lathe, Mill, and CNC machines
Access to exclusive small group interactions with company recruiters
Access to social events and regularly provided food at meetings
Access to AIAA national resources such as: scholarships, newsletters, and networking events
Paid travel to 5 day AIAA Sci-Tech Aerospace Conference in San Diego, CA if interested
Paid travel to competition for 4-5 days in Tuscon, AZ or Wichita, KS if interested

Join our community and get the most out of your Aerospace experience.
Our Competition: AIAA Annual Aircraft Design, Build, Fly Competition.
MACH currently competes in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics annual Design Build Fly remote controlled aircraft design competition. This competition rotates location between Tucson, AZ and Wichita, KS. This competition varies from similar national competitions in the fact that the aircraft design varies drastically from year to year. These designs are all based on real world aerospace design problems and can vary from minimal wingspan passenger jets to aircraft carrier style bombers. Check out some of the aircraft we have made so far here. This forces us to start from the ground up each year and leads to rapid innovation in our designs and techniques. Some of the base line requirements remain the same each year such as:
A short form proposal submitted in October to qualify for competition
A long form report submitted prior to competition that scales the final score
Three flight missions and a ground mission all affecting final score
Ground Mission: Timed assembly of the aircraft and testing of systems
1st flight: Minimum weight proving flight
2nd flight: Timed additional payload mission endurance flight
3rd flight: Main competition parameter flight trying to max out some aspect