Get Involved

Join our Team

If you are interested in becoming one of our members, welcome! Their are no initial barriers to joining MACH and signing up with your email will get you included on our mailing list which will provide you meeting places, times, tasks, and periodic updates on progress so that you can go to meetings and get involved right away. If you have a specific sub-team you wish to join you may contact that sub-team lead or show up at their weekly meeting and introduce yourself. In order to travel to competition or Sci-Tech you will need to eventually pay a $30 fee to the AIAA national organisation, but this is not required to participate and scholarships are available if needed. We look forward to having you.


Become a Sponsor

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for our organization, please contact our business team using the link below. One of our team leads will be in contact with you shortly to set up a meeting to flesh out the details of your sponsorship. We appreciate whatever your company wishes to provide including monetary support, providing equipment, or travel support. Thank you for your generosity.